Long Covid Can Make Standing Harder
Since having been ill with Covid, have you had dizziness, blurred vision, or fatigue? Have you begun to experience headaches, breathlessness, anxiety, or a rapidly beating heart? Do you have a noticeable lack of energy and just want to sit down all the time?
If so, you may have orthostatic intolerance brought on by Covid. In some patients, after a bout of Covid (which may not have seemed serious at the time), the body’s normal response to standing becomes abnormal and results in many of the symptoms listed above.
This can become progressively debilitating and can even cause some people to pass out. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and would like to be tested for orthostatic intolerance, contact Physicians Quality Care.
We have established a clinic created by Chief Medical Officer Melanie Hoppers, M.D., that is dedicated exclusively to this illness.